Top 10 money earning app without investment 

 The money was usually associated with traditional "off-line" route, and is only limited to them. Internet is a huge part of our lives, but more and more, and more and more people are looking for ways to earn money online to increase their cash flow, with a secondary income stream. 

You have to be careful on the platform of your choice. Even though there are a lot of ways to make money online, some of them may be false. In addition, we are expecting you to quickly make a large amount with the help of the online way to make money. 

With the situation at home, where there is a time and/or in a more free-time, and in general, maybe during non-working hours, for some, some of you may have a bit of free time on your hands. Here are the online platforms, websites, and tools that can help you to make money online. 

1. Freelance work 

Freelancing is always a popular way to earn money online, online-there are plenty of options. There are a lot of sites that offer free commissions for people with different skills and abilities. All you have to do is to set up your account, view the listing, and in respect of the information that suits you. Some of the web sites may also be that you are required to create a personal listing with the details about your skills, interesting to the customers, as can be directly in contact with it.,, and a lot of sites that provide independent work. With these websites, you can receive anywhere from $ 5 to $ 100. 

However, keep in mind that you are going to get the money only after the successful completion of this task, and the client will have to confirm it. This is, perhaps, to say, again, the experience of working for several times to meet the demands of your customers. Some sites may ask you to set up a PayPal account, as most clients prefer to make payments in a digital format through this. 

2. Create your own site 

There is enough material available online to help you to create a website. This includes the selection, domain, body, space, and the overall design of your web site. When you are ready to work as a guest, with the appropriate content in order to sign up for Google Adsense, which is displayed when a visitor clicks onto your site and help you to make money. Of course, the more traffic you get to your website, the greater the potential for higher returns. 

3. Affiliate Marketing 

After that, your website is going to start, you can choose an affiliate marketing companies, internet, links to your site. How is a co-operative partnership. When a visitor to your web site, the purchase of a product or a service, in this link, you can gain from this. 

4. Study, research, and analysis 

Various websites offering money to go to the online surveys, carry out searches, and write reviews. In order to qualify for a loan, you will need to provide them with certain information, including your bank for more information. Therefore, you need to use this route with utmost care. Some of them may even ask you to sign in from your work in the project. The most important thing in a project such as this, is to go to great lengths to stop the offering of sites that seem to be too good to be true. Be careful when you evaluate the reputation of the site, many of them can be fraud. Many of the websites of the companies that provide the copy, the payment and verification that may have.

5.Virtual Assistant 

All of the corporate affairs, at home, and this is what a virtual Assistant (VA) is all about. A glass vase will mostly work remotely with their clients and manage the different aspects of the business that they are too busy to deal with it on your own. If you work as a virtual assistant, you can choose to work as an employed person or, build your own business.

Perhaps, perhaps, to a certain degree of education, training or instruction is dependent on your skills,. However, if you wish to have excellent communication skills and the ability to use software programs such as MS Office, you will just have to sign up at websites like, 24/7 Virtual Assistant, the Match, the Assistant, eaHelp, Independent, FlexJobs, within an Hour, Uassist.Me, Upwork, Virtual Assistants, VaVa virtual searchable employees worldwide 101, Ziptask, Zirtual and so 

6. Translation language

Language, a good command of the English language, also can help you to earn some extra cash. Several websites that offer translation projects that require the translation of a document from one language to another. It can be Spanish, French, German, Arabic, English or any other language, the English language or in the English language.

For many people, this can make the task quite difficult, and so that they can get a job working as a translator, and there are sites online. Several of the web sites, as an example, the Фрилансера.іп,, or to provide a platform to become a professional translator

They have neither the knowledge or the time to independently complete the project, setting out their work on these sites, you can register and start the procurement of the job, the translation, and to receive a payment from the 1 to the 5 Rs of the words in order. This can go up to Rs 10 for some languages

7. Online tution


If you are an expert in a specific topic on which you are serving, educating people on the internet. Online tutoring allows you to connect online with students of all ages in all over the country to help with homework and tutoring in different subjects, as you have shown in your work.

You can sign up on the site, which,,, As an online tutor, to create a profile, and listing the subjects or classes you want to teach, how much experience you have, what your skill level is, etc, Some of the platforms may offer flexible and convenient time to work as an online tutor

Most of the platforms do not hesitate to walk by, in this process, they will ask you for a request by filling out a simple form, then the teacher needs to be shown to their gurus. Once you have selected all the documents, and the creation of the profile that is to be performed, and then the .  g . .  e . .  Social networking, management strategies, 


Blogging is as easy as getting a website for the publication of original content. Technically, an experienced bloggers will be able to purchase a domain and create a website of their own. People with less knowledge of HTML you can create a user account on websites like WordPress, it is possible to make the process of designing web pages and other publications. 

Blogs usually have a simple website. The old tracks can be stored in separate sections of the web site and can be connected to a separate contact page, or a biography, but with the blog itself, it is only one side that can be pushed, as the news on social networks, such as Facebook. When using Facebook to the rss feed for the blog reflects the latest content available on the top of the page.

9. Web design 

All business owners have a good understanding of the technology, but in the hour of need, to have his or her own web site. Who knows all things-tech, especially related to websites, can help small businesses create their own websites and make money from it. Coding and web-design is a key component in creating the internet sites. In addition, the websites have to work, and may require frequent updates, which is able to increase the revenue. 

10. Content Writing 

An online platform can be a good place to start. Depending on the quality of the product; a fee. You may also have to work on articles with a specific set of guidelines. Development of a site in your area of expertise and build strength in your area to boost your earnings.

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